Bushfire Reports
A Bushfire Threat Assessment Report is an analysis of a proposed development and its relationship to the surrounding bushland. It takes into consideration the various elements that have potential effect on bushfire behaviour. These consist of the following:
- Separation distance
- Slope under the vegetation
- Vegetation type
- The Fire Danger Index for the location
This combination of factors produces a ‘BAL’ factor, ie. A Bushfire Attack Level. The higher the BAL, the greater the potential impact of a bushfire on the development.
To offset the effects of this impact, a series of six bushfire protection measures used in combination are employed. The following measures become part of the engineering requirements of the development application;
- Asset Protection Zone
- Siting and design
- Construction standards
- Access requirements
- Water & Utilities
- Landscaping
It is these measures that effect some of the design features of the proposal. Typically they may be special types of cladding, bushfire shutters, dedicated water tanks and pumps etc, or it could simply be screening of gutters and windows, depending on the calculated BAL.
Pricing for a Bushfire Threat Assessment can vary depending on a number of factors. Different types of development e.g. subdivision, a new building, an addition to an existing structure or a change of property use, all require a Development Application if they are in a Bushfire Prone Area. The complexity of a proposal, in terms of both the design and the environment in which it will be developed, varies from one development to another. Consequently we cannot offer firm pricing without an onsite consultation.
Please contact us for further information and advice regarding the cost of a report.