Pre-purchase Feasibility Study
If you are considering the purchase of a block of land in a Bushfire Prone Area, our company can undertake a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) study of the block. From this we can provide you with a Feasibility Study which includes a BAL-Map.
A BAL-Map is a graphical device to help you understand the bushfire threat and how it may affect your intended purchase. If you intend to build or extend you will need to make strategic choices on where to place your proposal on the block. A BAL-Map will enable you to easily see the implications, in the context of bushfire, of siting the proposal anywhere across the block. A metre or two, either way, can mean a difference of many thousands of dollars.
It’s worth noting that some blocks, while idillic locations, may be prohibitively expensive to build on. A BAL-Map can help you make these critical judgements by simplifying the decision making process, in terms of siting and design.
A BAL-Map can be most helpful to architects and designers in the early planning stages of a project as a development can be designed with these requirements in mind right from the start. This negates the need to go back to the drawing board for a redesign because of Bushfire Protection Measures that may be imposed on the project.
Included in the report is helpful information about the likely costs that each successive BAL may add to your project. This can only be used as a guide, as material choices, as well as design constraints, can greatly influence the final budget for any given project.
Our Pre-Purchase/Feasibility Study includes:?
- A BAL-Map showing the various BAL’s overlaid across the site
- A summation of probable costs for different BAL’s
- A brief summary and explanation of the findings.
Note: A feasibility study does not constitute a Bushfire Threat Assessment for the purposes of Development Application.
Call or contact us today to see how we can help you with a Pre Purchase Feasibility Study.